"375 million-year-old remains look like a cross between fish and crocodile" - MSNBC
Isn't it lovely that Darwin's Theory of Evolution has found its way into not only our science text books, but also in the news.
As I was signing out of my Hotmail account, I ran across this article that says scientists now claim they have discovered more evidence to prove evolution must be the truth. Entire article here.
As a firm believer in the Bible, I must say something about this article. I do not believe the Earth is millions and millions of years old as most scientists say. There are numerous scientific reasons that the Evolution Theory can not be possible. To save time, here are some links that disprove the "Big Bang" Theory, how fossils can't prove evolution, and a good summary of The Hovind Theory (which I think everyone should read!!!) These are fantastic explainations on how Divine Creation is the one and only answer for our existance. Kent Hovind is the main scientist that began disproving evolution for God many years ago, and I hope everyone will take a few minutes of their day to wake up and realize the truth behind God's creation.
Sorry, Mr. Brian, but Kent Hovind is not a scientist. He was a science teacher but has a Ph. D. in Christian Education from Patroit University.
I watched his Age Of The Earth DVD. Note that his stats on crime, STDS, etc, linking as causes to teaching evolution, are not update. There are more than 300 lies in Hovind's seminars.
There has been many news stories done in the last few years on evolution discoveries. How many creation stories have there been? You can found much information on evolution in encyclopedias but not creationism.
Much more can be found about the truth of Kent Hovind at EvoWiki and Talk Origins.
Also, check out Answers In Genesis' arguments that creationists should not use which Hovind has denounced.
Excuse me Corey, but what is the definition of a scientist? Here is just a few from a very quick Google search:1)A person who has studied science, especially one who is active in a particular field of investigation; 2)A person who uses observation, experimentation and therory to learn about a subject; 3)A person that knows a great deal about a branch of science; 4) A person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences. Because he was a science teacher, does that exclude Kent Hovind from being scientist? I don't think so! As far as anyone who brags about a Ph.D., it means nothing more than they have learned to write a paper "piled higher and deeper." Usually the more degrees, the less common sense. (not always)
As for the "300 lies" comment. Because someones opinions are different than yours does not mean he is a lier! If it can not be proven, it is an opion. Do you believe the earth is millions of years old? I don't, that doesn't make it a lie.
It has been awhile since I have seen any of Dr. Hovind's videos, but as I recall, he never claimed to be able to prove any of his theory, nor can anybody prove evolution. That was his point!
Not that what he was saying was absolute truth, but an alternative way of thinking. And evolution should not be taught in our schools as obsolute truth! THAT IS A LIE!
Yes, there have been many news stories about evolution discoveries, but not one that means anything. The news agentcies would love to find one to disprove creation, but they can't and never will. Many stories have been told to make us think so, but when the truth is known, it amounts to nothing. I am sorry to say that both sides have used this tactic, but the main thing to remember, is to "think for yourself," just because your professor, teacher, parent, friend, whoever says if doesn't make it so!
Mr. Brian, what science courses did Hovind take to become a science teacher? According to the Oxford dictionary, a scientist is expert or student in science. Hovind has no degree in any field of science and does not have the knowledge of these sciences as examined in his seminars.
Take an actual look at the 300 lies web site and see the facts of Hovind's seminars and the truth. Hovind does say that his creation theory is the truth.
Mr. Brian, it sounds to me that you are not able think for yourself. Take a look at the numerous articles written on evolution and the recent articles on Jesus walking on ice and Judas' gospel. The Bible cannot be taken literally.
I believe the term "liar" is too strict and references a conspiracy theory that simply doesn't exist.
The evolution vs. creation argument is tough because we all begin with presuppositions and find it frustrating that others don't begin with that same foundation. In other words, you may not believe the Bible but I do.
I believe that man is made in God's image. I believe that man's sinful nature requires a Savior. I believe that Jesus is the Christ profesied by the Old Testament prophets. And I believe that I am redeemed from my sin because of The Cross.
Let's -- just for a moment -- set aside the evolution vs. creation discussion and focus on something that has eternal consequences: Who is Jesus and why is it important to know?
Sorry again Corey, but I'm not Mr Brian. And again, that's your opinion. Mine is that there is no reason you cannot take the Bible literally, unless you have a closed mind.
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