Greetings to everyone out there. I know what everybody is thinking, he actually posted something on his blog. It's been over a month since my last postings and I have a lot of catching up to do. During this past month several things have happend including the following: Jenn and I are taking a break, which means we probably won't be getting back together anytime soon, our pastor's son commited suicide, TennCare may be coming to an end which is bad because our family owns a pharmacy and that would take a big old chunk out of business, my great uncle just passed away unexpectedly last night, my cousin's wife's father died about a week and a half ago, and that's all the major events that have happend i guess. Some how, through all of this, I've been in extremely high spirits and God has actually blessed me with a surge of energy that I haven't experienced since our mission trip to Hungary back in 2001. Since Jenn and I took a break, a couple weeks back, I've got so much done that it's scary. I've even had time to start working on several creative projects that I'm eager to get finished including making coasters and pillows for our dorm room next year. Call me weird, but I have a great sense of accomplishment when I actually get stuff done. Well, I guess that is all for this blog entry. Please keep my family and I in your prayers

I'm so happy that I can leave comments for my brother, I'm going to leave bunches of them. So, here's one. Hi. And now bye.
It is a terrible day when someones only problem with the loss of TennCare is that they might lose some money from their own business. What about all the people who will have no coverage?
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