Hi people! During the earlier part of the summer, Ms. Brittany and I decided that we should spend our "spare time" making stuff so when we get back to school we could say "Hey, look what I made this summer." So now it is finally time for me to unveil the projects that I have completed so far this summer.

This would be my "Wooden Box Thing". It will be used as a Coaster Holder/ Game Room for our dorm room this coming year!

To the right would be my coaster box and coaster, which took over an hour each. I know, that's alot of time for just a coaster, but hey when you're bored, you're bored.

This would be how the whole thing will come together. As you can see, the coasters fit in the middle of the wooden box thingy, and the mini connect four, yahtzee, playing cards, and uno will hide inside. As well as......
Backgammon! Also in Carson-Newman colors, as you can see! And...
Chess. But I didn't make the chess set :)
And of course, you have to have your Carson-Newman pillows!
And last, but definitely not least, what every college student will want....
Homemade Carson-Newman Mini Fuzzy Dice!
I hope everyone has enjoyed seeing my pretty projects :)
Mr. Brian
What pretty projects, Mr. Brian! :) Nice work!
Yay! They're all so pretty.
Wow! Those are really cool! You gots ta learn me how to do that stuff--looks quite productively rewarding and superistically fun!
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