R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (find out what it means to me)
Tonight, I have a few topics that I need to cover. It's really sad that I have to take the time to write this, but some things need to be said. The blogosphere is set up to be a place to share information with one another. It's kind of like keeping a journal or a diary. Personally, I use it so my family and friends and keep up with the things that are doing on in my life while I'm away at college. I don't believe there is any need whatsoever to use the commenting section of blogs to write any inappropriate comments to anyone. I only allow anonymous comments so my parents can leave comments, seeing that they do not have a blog account, this is the only way they can leave comments. Name calling, wether it be joking or not, is something that I do not tolerate. It's ridiculous that some people resort to the same type of actions as those of a middle schooler. Please have respect for others. Seriously people.

So to sum up everything, stop the name calling, the misusing of anonymous postings, and stop trying to create drama like little 12 year olds.
Mr. Brian
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