Little Baby Brian?
Ok, so a few days ago, while in the Dollar Store, some people found pregnancy tests for sale. One of these people happend to be my roommate. So, they were curious to find out exactly how accurate a pregnancy test from the Dollar Store could possibly be. Brian actually took two seperate tests, a pregnancy test and an ovulation test.

Now I know all of you out there are curious to find out the results, so here they are:
Pregnancy Test: Negative, Brian is not pregnant, however we found it funny that it turned up negative rather than invalid, but hey, he's not going to have a baby!
Ovulation Test: Now this is the fun one because we're not exactly sure what the results are.

Because here is his test, and as you can kind of see, there are three lines!

Mr. Brian
P.S. I know you probably think we're wierd, but we're college kids, its how we are :)
I'm sorry to hear that you're not pregnant, Brian. Better luck next time? Something like that... :-S
I'm not sure which is weirder: the things you guys find to amuse yourself, or the fact that your roommate could actually be ovulating. :)
What would you have done if Brian was ovulating or pregnant?
Just wondering.
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