So I realized that with the end of the semester coming up, I've been extremely booked with stuff to do. So I apologize for my lack of posting over the past 17 days. I currently don't have anything major to talk about. Shawn and I did finish our last English paper of our lives! That's exciting. We also read our last reading assignment for English as well.

I would like to mention a rising Christian singer. His name is Aaron Shust, and I love his music. Brwyan and I were up at 3 in the morning a couple of weeks ago and we were watching tv. There was nothing on, as usual, so we were flipping through the stations. We ran across a channel that had some Christian music videos on it, so we watch those for a while. After those videos went off, a show names "The Logan Show" came on. It's a small show, based in Nashville, that is kind of like the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, but Logan isn't the most entertaining host. At the end of the show, this guy by the name of Aaron Shust performed a song "My Savior, My God". I thought it was a good song with a good message. About a week later, Brwyan and I were driving back from Knoxville. I turned the radio to 89.1 FM and I heard a familiar song. It was Aaron Shust. Now he has made it on the top song lists of six radio stations and he is continuing to grow. I just wanted to share with everyone this really cool singer. You can listen to a few of his top songs here.
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