What's the problem now?

"You ever have a day where nothing goes right?
well that just seems to be the story of my whole entire life"
Revenge of the Nerds - KJ52
Will the madness ever end? Today was only another example of things going bad. I'd planned to go out with my friends Marla and Lindsey ever since Monday. Well, as I went to go meet them, a migrane decided it was time to come and meet me instead. I even throw up blood :( , never a good thing. We just had my great uncle's funeral yesterday, and since then I've learned that another of my great uncle's has been put in the hospital with breathing problems. To top off my evening, I've just learned that I lied to Marla about her mp3 player being able to transfer files from computer to computer. I'm sorry most of my blogs have been sad and depressing, but what are you suppose to do. Lord help us all! I'm going to try and get some sleep. I haven't been able to get to sleep until around 5 or 6 in the morning for the past week. Keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers, and hopefully I'll be able to write a few positive blogs in the near future. Good night and may God bless.
Mr. Brian
Hey now!!
Mr. Brian, I am so sorry that all this crap is happening to you right now, but don't feel bad about the mp3 player. I've always wanted one anyways, so I'm happy! I hope things start working out for ya. ummmm The End!
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