Brian and Brian

Hey everybody, hope everyone is having a good semester back at school. I know I am having a good time. Classes are going well, and so far I believe this will be my easiest semester I've had while in college.
Now, you're probably all wondering about the picture on this blog. Well, to tell you the truth, I got the idea from a movie Danny and I were making. I'll leave it at that for now, just because the video is suppose to be a surprise for BASIC this Wednsday.
Anyways, I didn't really have a purpose for making this picture, but after I made it and just looked at it for a minute, I realized that it's actually pretty symbolic to my current situations. Recently I've been going through a few rough times, trying to decide: what I'm going to do after college, what kind of girl I'd like to be with and what to look for in a future girlfriend/wife (if I ever have one), you know all the tough life questions that everyone asks.
Also, in the past year or so, I've come to realize alot about myself that I didn't know before. Call me weird, but I've come to many conclusions through self discussions that have made me a stronger person. With going away to college and many other major events in my life, God has stretched and twisted me in all different directions to get me to grow into who I am today. I can't wait to see how He'll stretch me next :)
Basically, this picture is symbolic to me in two main ways: 1. It symbolizes the self struggles that I've been through, as well as me questioning every move and decision I make. And 2. It symbolizes the "finding myself" or "getting to know myself" part of it all.
Anyways, I don't know if any of that made any sense, but I just thought I needed to write about this while it was fresh on my mind. Hope everybody has a good day or a good night, depending on what time you're reading this.
Mr. Brion
There's something awfully revealing about watching oneself interact with a second oneself--I know exactly where you're coming from. Seeing myself interact with myself (on the as-yet-unrevealed video) was quite thought-provoking and, to use your words, very "symbolic". There's more to one's own self than one often realizes. Stepping back and seeing what that is--perhaps from a perspective not examined before--is always, in a word, enlightening. I feel ya, bud.
Reminds me of that commercial where the guy Ping cloned himself...
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