Slumber Party in Brian & Brion's Room

O what an interesting first night at CN! After I got here, around 8:30ish, I met up with Brwyan and Shawn. Then Andrew came and mentioned a couch out on the street. So, we got in Andrew's truck, and went and got the couch. I didn't actually help steal the couch, I just watched. Anyways, we got it back to the dorm and they unloaded it at the road outside of Alumni. Brwyan and Shawn decided that it was dirty and mildewy, so they said they didn't want it. Then, they moved it over in the grass outside of the dorm.
We went back upstairs and I started unpacking all my stuff and getting it arranged, when I heard Danny outside talking to Shawn and Brwyan. I went out and said hi to him. The reason Danny had come up was because he needed some Febreeze. I didn't know why, but Shawn had something like Febreeze and he let Danny us it. So come to find out, Danny and Andrew had moved the couch into Danny's room, and that's why he needed Febreeze.
So, I'm laughing my head off that the couch ended up in Danny's room. I went down and saw the couch and Danny deodorized it. The smell was so bad, he decided that he would spend the night with me for the evening, in hopes that the stinch will be gone by tomorrow.
In other new, we found this random sighting on Danny's hall.

Mr. Brian
P.S. To explain the title of this blog "Brion", it's not a typo.
This is my sign next to my door. So it's pronounced with a French accent, Bri-On!

Ohmagoodness. That couch. Blech. I think its pungency is going to somehow end my existence if I dwell in its vicinity. I might have to expell the couch from my fellowship--or figure out how to destroy its offensiveness to my olefactory systems. Oh, but what adventures! The Comical Happenstance of Life...ahhhhh. It brings laughter to the heart and joy to the soul.
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