Hi Everyone, Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just keep putting it off because I don't feel like I have much to say. It's been kind of weird every since I've moved back home. I'm learning that there's not much to do here and that I'm really going to be bored over the summer. I've been keeping busy by sleeping a lot and playing on the computer. On the plus side I finally have some time to relax and do stuff I've been wanting to do like learn the guitar a little better. Another hard part of the summer is that I don't get to spend much time with my girlfriend Jenn. We got to spend just about every evening with each other when we were at school, but now its only a couple times a week : (. I'm just glad that she isn't too awful far away, and I've learned that every moment with her is precious, I love her so much. Well, I've rambled on enough for now, I will soon begin my random blog postings for all the other bored people out there, and I may add some wisdom too, who knows?