Mr. Brian

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's All Geek to Me

For the past couple of nights, I've turned into a full Geek/Nerd. I've been playing games like Oregon Trail, Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego, and GTA3. It's not just the fact that I'm spending time playing these games, but I've been modifying them. I know I'm a Computer Science major, but sometimes I scare myself. Although it is fun to make cars drive faster and always have the high score :) I just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm putting my college knowledge to good use.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Yesterday, we went and flew kites at the best place to fly kites in the world! The wind was perfect and our kites flew high :)

We also went on the most straight up hike I've ever been on. It's a little place called Molly's Knob. It's a 1.6 black diamond hike. We heard the view was worth the trip so we decided to try it out. The second we got to the top, a thunderstorm blew in. There was a group of about 15 hikers that were at the top when we arrived that promptly yelled "Grab your gear and ruuuuuunnnn" I got hit with a couple pieces of hale before I could take cover in the trees. We decided that we had climbed too far to just turn around, so we waited the storm out (which only took about 5-10 minutes) We then got to take a few pretty pictures and enjoyed the scenary.

After yesterday's leg excersises, we thought we'd even things out by going canoeing. I don't have any pictures of that, due to the fear of tipping over in a canoe and ruining my camera. We estimated that we traveled a little over four miles in our canoes. Now, with our sore arms and legs, we're resting up in the lodge. I hope everyone is having a nice and safe Memorial Weekend. I'll update a little later.

Mr. Brian

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Virginia Vacation

My family and I are currently on a mini vacation in Virginia. We kind of up and ran away to a lodge. It's a beautiful little place to get away. I just thought I'd post a few pictures I've taken so far. The above picture is the view from our deck looking over the lake :)

My father chillin'.

Out on the lake!


I'll try and keep everyone posted on our little trip. (Isn't wireless internet great!)

Mr. Brian

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Midsummer Night In Mosheim

This evening my mom made a comment about how large and orange the moon appeared. I looked out the window and decided it was a good Kodak moment. I hope everyone is having a great week.

Mr. Brian

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Beginning of a New Day!

Now that my Sophomore year in college has come to a closure, I'm ready for a nice little break. I am pleased to announce that I made an A in my English 301 class and a B in my Algorithms class!!! You have no idea how exciting that was to find out this evening. I would also like to give props to my sister and her A on her Senior Project :) Good job Sister! The summer has finally begun, and the weather is nice and refreshing. I don't have a lot of plans this summer except for a little work and summer school starting in June. I'm still unpacking all my stuff from moving back home (and I'm guessing it'll take another week to finish) I hope everyone is having a wonderful break so far. If anyone has any big plans coming up, I'd love to hear from you. Now, I do believe I'm going to try to get some sleep. My arms and back are sore from moving yesterday. Hopefully I'll get to post more than the past month so stay tuned in for the fascinating Summer of Mr. Brian

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yet another place for alcohol advertisement! Oh Boy