The Life of Mr. Brian
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Brian the Busy Bee

I would like to apologize to all of my regular readers. For the past week or so, I've been too covered up with work to continually update my blog as I would like to do. My math and computer science classes are requiring more and more reading as I go through them (not to mention the 535 page Italian novel I'm reading for English) Just to give you a taste of what I get to learn, I've made this picture showing what we learned today in Abstract. It's using universal and existential quantifiers to label a popular song. Can anybody tell me what song it is? Hopefully, I'll get to blog about more exciting things in the next few days, but for now, I need to get cracking on this homework
Mr. Brian
Saturday, January 21, 2006

On yet another of our infamous adventures, Brian, Shawn, and I found this exciting new get away location. At only minutes away from campus, Mossy Creek Caves has the peace and beauty that any over-worked college student can enjoy! This area contains a gorgeous lagoon of teal water and it is surrounded by lucious foliage.

Two caves are located directly off of the water (only one of which is accessible by foot)

Mr. Brian
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Happy Shawnaka!

Today is the fifth and final day of Shawnaka :) This five day event was created after Shawn decided he wanted a holiday for him.

We celebrated with the traditional Shawnora, and we played mini board games. We also watched the Numa Numa kid and the Star Wars Kid movies! We had Shawnaka (Zebra) Cakes and water!!! Yay for Shawnaka
Mr. Brian
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Band Blues

As most of you know, the Brian Cox Quartet was created only about a week and a half ago. After the band was created, the question was brought up as to who the lead singer of the band is. There is a very simple answer to this question and that is that there is no lead singer at all. In fact, there is absolutely no singing in this band, it's completely instrumental (for the simple fact that I can't sing) As this question was easily answered, there was also a little bit of jealousy between Brian, the lead guitarist, and Brian, the ukuleleist. It seems that Brian the ukuleleist felt like he had the better playing ability of the two. This posed a small problem for the band, however, there is good news! You get to help choose the better of the two! Isn't that exciting? I'm leaving the choice up to you, as my faithful blog readers, to choose who should become the official "leader" of the band. So, before you go off and make your decision based on looks, or something foolish like that, why don't you take a look at this little dity :)
Mr. Brian
P.S. I'm not schiophrenic for those who are wondering
Friday, January 06, 2006

Just recently, I've learned that I'm in English 301 with both Mr. Shawn and Ms. Brittany!!! I've never had a class with either of these two fantastic people, but how exciting to know that we'll finally be in one together :)

Mr. Brian
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Back to School Supplies

Today, my mommy and I ventured down to Carson-Newman to buy my books for the upcoming semester. I got lots of big expensive books, including a 5 pounder for Intro to Algorithms.

Mr. Brian
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
Pretty Poker Puppies

On a previous post, I mentioned that I finally had time to work on a pretty picture. Well, I finally finished it! It took a while, and alot of black coloring pencil, but it's finally complete! Even though I didn't come up with the idea myself (I got it off of a shirt) I'm still pretty proud of it :) I just thought I'd share my picture with everyone. Hope everyone is having a lovely 2006
Mr. Brian
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Mr. Brian