The Life of Mr. Brian
Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
So I realized that with the end of the semester coming up, I've been extremely booked with stuff to do. So I apologize for my lack of posting over the past 17 days. I currently don't have anything major to talk about. Shawn and I did finish our last English paper of our lives! That's exciting. We also read our last reading assignment for English as well.

I would like to mention a rising Christian singer. His name is Aaron Shust, and I love his music. Brwyan and I were up at 3 in the morning a couple of weeks ago and we were watching tv. There was nothing on, as usual, so we were flipping through the stations. We ran across a channel that had some Christian music videos on it, so we watch those for a while. After those videos went off, a show names "The Logan Show" came on. It's a small show, based in Nashville, that is kind of like the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, but Logan isn't the most entertaining host. At the end of the show, this guy by the name of Aaron Shust performed a song "My Savior, My God". I thought it was a good song with a good message. About a week later, Brwyan and I were driving back from Knoxville. I turned the radio to 89.1 FM and I heard a familiar song. It was Aaron Shust. Now he has made it on the top song lists of six radio stations and he is continuing to grow. I just wanted to share with everyone this really cool singer. You can listen to a few of his top songs here.
Monday, April 10, 2006
What do you believe?
Everybody needs something to see
Something to feelAnd something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth
Living lavish like the biltmore
What the blood spilt for
A ship in harbor is safe
But that ain't what it's built for
Do all I can to help you get more
If you forgive my slight intrusion
I see this night is confusin
A constant fight with illusions
Shed a light on conclusions
What you desire is a way out
Day in and day out
Do not disturb signs so I’ll stay out
Everybody needs something to see
Something to feelAnd something to be
Everybody needs something as proof
Something in hand
To know the truth
Living lavish like the biltmore
What the blood spilt for
A ship in harbor is safe
But that ain't what it's built for
Do all I can to help you get more
If you forgive my slight intrusion
I see this night is confusin
A constant fight with illusions
Shed a light on conclusions
What you desire is a way out
Day in and day out
Do not disturb signs so I’ll stay out
How long will you let the torture grasp you
I see spirits manifestin
Blockin blessings with the questions
That you hear me ask you
Keep it up so much will pass you
You can make it on a prayer
Yeah that’s true
But barely getting by when you can do more
Why would you want to
Forgettin that the wood’s dry and the fire's on you
I see spirits manifestin
Blockin blessings with the questions
That you hear me ask you
Keep it up so much will pass you
You can make it on a prayer
Yeah that’s true
But barely getting by when you can do more
Why would you want to
Forgettin that the wood’s dry and the fire's on you
Life's a hassle
Be prepared to rassle
It can be rough
But it don’t have to
You can make it full of smiles
Something to laugh to
So pick and chose my message thick
So squeeze and watch it ooze
Make it a game to where your fears lose
There's a way that seems right
In the heart of a man
And many angels of light
In disguise destroying man
So most chose to refuse
The absolute truth
Replace it with lies
Use ignorance as excuse
It can be rough
But it don’t have to
You can make it full of smiles
Something to laugh to
So pick and chose my message thick
So squeeze and watch it ooze
Make it a game to where your fears lose
There's a way that seems right
In the heart of a man
And many angels of light
In disguise destroying man
So most chose to refuse
The absolute truth
Replace it with lies
Use ignorance as excuse
It’s hard to conceive
What the mind can’t comprehend
And harder to believe
What the eyes can't understand
We look to theory, philosophies and thought
For a sure foundationIn a belief we once sought
While the shadow of truth
Cast an image so clear
The closer it gets
We reject it out of fear
If we really wanted truth
We would give our lives for it
Walk in its direction of light
For God's glory
What the mind can’t comprehend
And harder to believe
What the eyes can't understand
We look to theory, philosophies and thought
For a sure foundationIn a belief we once sought
While the shadow of truth
Cast an image so clear
The closer it gets
We reject it out of fear
If we really wanted truth
We would give our lives for it
Walk in its direction of light
For God's glory
The saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe
So the saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe in it
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe
So the saga continues
Cause most hearts are deceived
If we really wanted truth
We would live and believe in it
- Grits "Believe"
I'm not trying to push my beliefs on anyone. On my last post, I was simply expressing my thoughts and opinions about a news article I ran across. It is my personal opinion that schools should teach students both the Creation and Evolution as what they are, theories. They should also not push either side as truth, but make sure that both sides are presented equally. People can make up their minds about this subject, but only after they hear both sides. For the record, I can think for myself just fine and I know what I believe. The choice is up to each individual. What do you believe?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"375 million-year-old remains look like a cross between fish and crocodile" - MSNBC
Isn't it lovely that Darwin's Theory of Evolution has found its way into not only our science text books, but also in the news.
As I was signing out of my Hotmail account, I ran across this article that says scientists now claim they have discovered more evidence to prove evolution must be the truth. Entire article here.
As a firm believer in the Bible, I must say something about this article. I do not believe the Earth is millions and millions of years old as most scientists say. There are numerous scientific reasons that the Evolution Theory can not be possible. To save time, here are some links that disprove the "Big Bang" Theory, how fossils can't prove evolution, and a good summary of The Hovind Theory (which I think everyone should read!!!) These are fantastic explainations on how Divine Creation is the one and only answer for our existance. Kent Hovind is the main scientist that began disproving evolution for God many years ago, and I hope everyone will take a few minutes of their day to wake up and realize the truth behind God's creation.