The Life of Mr. Brian
Monday, October 31, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Racket Attack

About a week and a half ago, Brwyan and I were playing racquetball together. He wasn't hitting the ball very good, and I was winning quite convincingly. After the score reached 11-4, Brwyan got rather mad, so he turned around and broke his racket over his knee.
After we left, he threw his racket in the trash can and we went back to the dorm. Shawn and I went a couple of days later to play racquetball, and surprisingly Brwyan's racket was still in the trash can. So, we got it out of the trash, wrapped it up, and gave it back to Brwyan as a present. He wasn't the happiest person when we gave it back to him, but i think he liked that we got it back for him on the inside :)

Mr. Brian
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Voice of Truth
Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes to climb out of the boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone

To the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out his hand
But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. 'Boy, you'll never win!'
"You'll never win"
But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!"
And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Oh what i would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand befoe a giant
With just a sling and a stone

Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand
But the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on tell me
Time and time again "boy, you'll neve win!
"You'll never win"
But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves don't seem so high
From on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
-Casting Crowns - The Voice of Truth

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Happy Mole Day Everybodies!

Mole Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated among chemists in America on October 23, between 6:02 AM and 6:02 PM, making the date 6:02 10/23 in the American way of writing out dates. The time and date are derived from Avogadro's number, which is 6.02×10^23, defining the number of molecules in a mole, one of seven basic SI units.
Many high schools around the US celebrate Mole Day as a way to get their students interested in chemistry, or as just a way to get out of class for a day :)
Mr. Brian
Friday, October 21, 2005
Oh What A Glorious Day

Brian, Shawn, and I set out on yet another of our adventures. We decided to break out the boats and head out to the lake. Shawn was ready and eager to test out his new inflatable kayak, and Brian his new boat. I was just borrowing their old one :)
We first stopped by Subway to pick up some sandwiches to eat while we were on the lake, and then we went out to the boat dock. When we got there, this sweet dog came over to us. We're not sure where he came from or what his name is, but we decided that he was an honorary Brian. After we unloaded the truck and had a few photos taken, we set off for the island. It's about a mile walk over to the island, and as we were walking, the skies began to get cloudier and cloudier. I asked Brian is he was concerned about the clouds and he said "no, it'll be ok." So on we walked. We got to the north side of the Isle of Heron and we put in our boats. Shawn got over to our destination, Little Chicken Island, and Brian got about half way. I, well, I got about twenty feet from shore, and I decided that it'd probably be best no to venture to far out. Then, it began to rain. So, we turned around. I ran back, got the truck, and picked up Shawn and Brian. When we got back, we learned that there was a tornado warning, and we had to go down to the basement of Alumni. So, we had fun, we got wet, and had some good male bonding.

Say it with me, "AWWWW"
Mr. Brian

Thursday, October 20, 2005
"Why Is God So Silent?"
While looking back at some of my papers I had to write in English 101, I ran across a journal entry that I had written, so I thought I'd share it with everyone.

Mr. Brian
Monday, October 17, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
A New Spin On Disney Movies
While walking through Walmart, Brwyan and I began to discuss Classic Disney movies such as Peter Pan, Cinderella, Snow White, Beauty & the Beast, etc. We were talking about how they no longer make movies with the same kind of animation as they used to, and how now a days everything is done with a computer. During our discussion, Brwyan and I were trying to see if we could name other classic movies. As he was naming off some, I mentioned that I didn't care for Beauty and the Beast very much, due to the fact that "the village people treated the beast cruely". It then hit both of us what I had said :) Although it is true that the people treated the beast poorly, it wasn't "the Village People" I guess they were just the towns people. So after that statement, Brwyan said that I had to make a picture for that comment, so this one is for him.

Mr. Brian
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Need I say more? Well, I will anyways. Yeah so Carson-Newman won, quite convincingly you could say. I would have to say that for Carson-Newman not having their first string quarterback, Joey King, the offense did very well. They had unbelievable blocking on both offensive and defensive sides. CN didn't have much of a passing game, but as you can see, they didn't really need one.
Tusculum just stunk it up, pretty much. They tried to pass, we intercepted, they tried to kick field goals , and we blocked them. They just played bad. It was nice to see Tusculum's love and hospitality even though they lost. I especially enjoyed the man at the gate when we were trying to buy tickets "what you can do is, get back in your car and drive that way". Oh the lovely people of Greeneville. I guess they're just jealous.
Mr. Brian
The Big 100

As I was posting my last few blog entries, I noticed that I was coming up on my 100th Blog. So this blog is my BIG 100! It's amazing how fast the first ninty-nine went by. When I first started blogging, I never thought I'd have gotten up to 100 :) I've now come to find that blogging is not only a good way to show my family and friends what's happening in my life, but it's also a good hobby and a good way to speak your mind. Hopefully, I'll continue to have some fun/interesting things to blog about in the future, and I'll have another celebration entry at 200 :)

Mr. Brian
New Counter!
I know you all will think I'm looney, but I'm so excited that I now have a counter on my blog. For all of you who haven't noticed yet, at the very bottom of this page, there's a new counter. This is exciting to me, because it's my very first HTML coding on my blog template. I know that last sentence probably sounded like I was speaking Greek, but it means that I've used computer code to insert the counter on my blog. Hopefully I'll be able to learn more about HTML coding, which will in turn, make my blog better and better!
Mr. Brian
Friday, October 14, 2005
On October 15th at 1:30 P.M. @ Tusculum College, the two biggest rivals in the SAC face off on the grid iron. It just so happens that one of these two teams is Carson-Newman, the best college in the world!

Both teams are unranked, so it will be interesting to see the outcome. After Carson-Newman's embarassing loss to Presbtyrian last week, the Eagles are pumped and ready for a blowout. Of course, Tusculum (2-4) have the home field advantage. It was said in the Greeneville Sun that Carson Newman (4-2) has never defeated the Pioneers at Tusculum in history. I believe that tomorrow, history will change. Even though the Eagles have had two losses, if they remain focused, and play to their top potential, then the Eagles should soar to victory. I guess we'll just have to wait to see the final outcome tomorrow. Everybody should come out tomorrow and watch the game! :)
Mr. Brian
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Being Constructive When You Get Bored
Last night, Brwyan and I were the only ones left on our hall. At about 9:00 p.m., I decided that my ukulele needed a case. I don't exactly remember what made me think up the idea, but I started making a Ukulele Case!

As you can see, it's Carson-Newman colors. I know, big surprise. It's fully lined with orange felt, and it's complete with a handle, a pocket for sheet music, and a pouch to hold picks. I know, I went a little crazy, but when I make something, I go all out.

I did some Ukulele price checking, and they range any where from $50-60, and some go up to $100. It's amazing how much money you can save by using cardboard and duck tape (my two favorite building materials) It took me a couple hours to make it, but I think the final product was well worth the time.
Mr. Brian
Gone Fishing...

Immediately after all our classes, Brian and I went out to the Isle of Heron for some fishing and relaxation. We had been planning it for about a week, but today we finally went out and had some fun. After we got there, we got our rods and reels ready and we set out for fish :) After about an hour and a half, Brian decided that his time would be better spent hanging up his new hammock. So, he did just that. Too bad he didn't take in consideration that the hammock would stretch when he sat in it!

After spending three hours fishing, and not catching anything, we decided it was time to leave. I did see a few large fish right off of the shore, but they just weren't very hungry for some reason. I did, however, find this really big fishing lure :) So we decided to take a picture of me with my large catch.

Mr. Brian
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
The Road to Roy's Records
Today, Brian and I took a road trip to a little place called Roy's Records, in Maryville. Brian spotted, in the newspaper, that Roy's was having a huge sale before they closed down. We left today around 1:45 p.m. and we didn't get back until 7:00 p.m.
As we made our way through Knoxville, we began to look around in anticipation of our destination. As we turned onto East Broadway, we saw a huge mural painted on the side of a building. Come to find out, it was ROY'S! We took a picture to show Shawn that he missed out on seeing Dolly Parton :)
When we first stepped into the store, we were in shock at all of the cool and old items they had. The store was lined with autographed pictures and antique instruments. We decided it would be easier to cover more ground if we split up, so we did. After about 20 minutes of wondering around the store in awe, we finally began our journey through the piles of records. We quickly found that the good ones were all hiding in boxes at the rear of the store. Brian looked though some while I looked through the old 45s. I found one that I liked by the O'Jays. That's the only 45 we got. After about 30 minutes of searching the 45s, I decided to go back and see what hidden treasures Brian had ran across. He had found a vast array of records, ranging from Ray Charles to Christmas albums. I sat down beside him, and began scanning through the boxes.
I had trouble deciding between two of the Village People's records. And if I would've know that they were 50% off the sticker price, I would've got them both. We finished going through most of the boxes when it was almost five o'clock, closing time. While we were there, Brian fell in love. The girl that rang up our purchases was "the perfect girl". She "likes music AND she's beautiful". Anyways, we both got some cool stuff, as you can see in the pictures, and then we went on our way.
The four to the left are mine. The other nine are Brians.
After the record store, we swung by Wendy's and grabbed a bite to eat, and then we went over to Sevierville. We were originally going to go to Outdoor World, this huge outdoor store, but it hadn't opened yet. Instead of the outdoor store, we went to Smoky Mountain Knife Works, and Workshop Tools. We had some fun there too, as you can see from the picture of the singing bears below.
To sum up everything, we both had a great little adventure out away from Jefferson City. And I forgot, I got a Ukulele, and we got Brwyan a Kazoo!
Mr. Brian
Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

This evening, Brian and I decided it would be fun to set up our video cameras and see just how crazy we are. Our conclusion: WE'RE ABSOLUTELY BONKERS! We put our cameras on our desks and let them run for an hour. We captured some completely hilarious stuff, including the dancing bear, as you can see in the picture. We also discovered that we have completely random quotes, such asa "I don't want to have to do something to earn the apple" - Daniel Y , "You just put cold ham on my arm" - Brwyan , "She's a girl, you have to be sensitive (Brwyan) I want more ham (Brian C)" "You're watching your bed? Do you need me to help?" - Daniel Y
Oh dear, we're crazy, but so fun! :)
Mr. Brian
Monday, October 10, 2005

91.9 is the most awesome radio station on the planet! Brwyan and I initially came across this station while we were at the drive through of Hardee's. We just recently learned in Calculus III that there is a organ playing program that comes on Sunday nights. So, for all of you stressed people in need of some peaceful music, listen to the "introspective sounds of the cedar flute on 91.9 FM".
Mr. Brian
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005

Yeah, so yesterday I kind of splurged a little bit. I got a boat! Ok, so it's a toy boat, but hey, it's a remote controled boat :) It was on the clearance toy isle of Walmart, and Brian and I had been looking for a toy boat for a while. We took it out on the lake around lunch, and it works nicely.
Mr. Brian
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (find out what it means to me)
Tonight, I have a few topics that I need to cover. It's really sad that I have to take the time to write this, but some things need to be said. The blogosphere is set up to be a place to share information with one another. It's kind of like keeping a journal or a diary. Personally, I use it so my family and friends and keep up with the things that are doing on in my life while I'm away at college. I don't believe there is any need whatsoever to use the commenting section of blogs to write any inappropriate comments to anyone. I only allow anonymous comments so my parents can leave comments, seeing that they do not have a blog account, this is the only way they can leave comments. Name calling, wether it be joking or not, is something that I do not tolerate. It's ridiculous that some people resort to the same type of actions as those of a middle schooler. Please have respect for others. Seriously people.

So to sum up everything, stop the name calling, the misusing of anonymous postings, and stop trying to create drama like little 12 year olds.
Mr. Brian
Thursday, October 06, 2005
"Ms. Jackson woooooooooo, I am for real"

Hey everybody! So, I didn't have anything to blog about, so my friend Ms. Jordan said that I should blog about her. So, Ms. Jordan, this one's for you ;)
Jordan is one super cool gal. She's on BCM with me, and she is soooo funny. She also likes Brian Reagan, so she has to be cool. I got Jordan Mr. Duckie (a.k.a. Quackers) because she said she wanted a present. I wish I would have taken a picture of him. Mr. Duckie is a stuffed duck if you didn't pick up on that from his name. Anyways, I just thought I'd send out a little shout out to everybody to let ya'll know how cool of a kid Ms. Jordan is :) Peace and love to you Jordan
Mr. Brian
P.S. Patrick, please don't hurt me
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
New Doggies!

After the deflating of Brian the Dog (I & II), we decided maybe balloon dogs aren't the best. So, we got BB, the golden retriever! He's a good puppy :) BB gets to live in the spacious tudor style home, as you can see in the picture, and he's a wonderful watch-dog (because all he can do is watch)
We also got a doggie for Brwyan for his birthday! He hasn't named it yet, so for now it's "Doggie".

Mr. Brian
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
October Sky

It's that time of year. The leaves are falling and the nights are getting cooler. It's hard to believe it's already October. Christmas will be here and gone in about a week. Not really, but that's about how fast it seems. Fall is my favorite time of year. The humidity is down and the leaves are beautiful. You can smell fall in the air :) I hope everybody has a wonderful month. Happy October ! :)
Mr. Brian