For the past few years, I have had numerous discussions, with close friends, about how guys and girls are completely different. When I talk with my female friends, all I hear is 1. How cute some random guy is or 2. How stupid and retarded guys are, and how they’re so complicated and hard to understand. On the other hand, when I talk with the guys in the dorm, I hear one of two things; 1. How good a girl looks or 2. How strange girls act. So.... as you can see....we're not complete opposites.

Being a guy, I understand a whole lot more about the male thought process then I do about the way girls think, but I thought I would take some time and share my current ideas and beliefs about this whole topic.
One thing I’ve come to notice is that boys and girls think about the exact same things. We all wonder about whom we’re meant to spend the rest of our lives with, and we all will never fully understand the opposite gender. We all have life goals, and we all have very similar emotions. Most of the time, guys don’t show these emotions, but yes ladies, guys do cry too. Maybe if we spent less time with just "male bonding" and "girl talk" and spent more time sharing our thoughts with everybody, then there wouldn't be so much confusion. So let's open up the lines of communication a little bit between girls and boys :)
Something that has always bothered me is that guys always get the stereotype of being “sex-driven, macho, egotistical, pig-headed, stupid, weirdoes who are only after one thing.” It is true that we think about sex quite often, I’ll admit that, but not all the time, like most girls imagine. I heard some where that guys think about sex four times more than girls, which is probably true. Girls talk three times as much as guys, so we kind of even things out : ) But ladies, just to let you know, there are guys out there that don’t only care about sex. They just want to have someone to spend time with, get to know, and have someone to care about and cuddle with every now and then.

It also drives me crazy that guys are usually blamed if a relationship doesn’t work out. I know a number of good guys and gals, that are terrific people and deserve a good partner, but are left in the cold.
I think that’s about the only things that drive me crazy. Maybe
Now it’s time to take up for the girls. Guys, we can be pretty odd sometimes. We do things that make absolutely no sense at all, such as… building our own fireworks, just to see if we can…..see who can lift the most weights…..NASCAR (need I say more)….. not being sensitive to a girl’s needs….judging books by their covers…..putting Icy-Hot in a fellow brother’s boxers…..the list goes on and on. No wonder girls think we’re odd and unsophisticated. We act like morons sometimes. I know we just like to have some fun, but how about we act like human beings every now and then. Treat every girl with respect, no matter when or where you are. If you have a sister, you may understand girls, and their thoughts, a little more than the average guy.

Throughout the last few years, I’ve learned and grown in ways I would have never imagined possible when I was younger. Most of these growing experiences have happened due to some kind of trial, or unpleasant occurrence, in my life. Whether it be small things like a simple sermon, or bigger things like moving away to college, “Everything happens for a reason”. That’s a true statement. I have to give all of the credit to God for leading me in and out of these times. I’ve learned that life truly is a journey, and that lessons are continually learned the whole way. I believe that this whole “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” thing is a large way of how God helps us to grow and to understand things that are so far beyond comprehension. (if that makes any sense)
Basically, when push comes to shove, guys and girls are different because that is the way God meant for us to be. What fun would it be if there was absolutely no drama in our lives? If we all understood every little thing about one another, we’d all probably go crazier than we already are. We’re never going to understand everything, but that’s one of the things that’s amazing about God and His creations. Next time you are in a situation where you think to yourself “Why?”, just know that some how, some way, God is using it to help you, or maybe even someone else, grow a little bit more. I think that I’ve blabbed on for long enough, and it is time for me to head to bed. In the mean time, Guys: always respect girls, and Girls: try not to over-complex guys, we’re really pretty simple if you really get to know us.
Mr. Brion